28 January 2021

238th AAS Meeting Goes Virtual

Richard Fienberg

Richard Fienberg Running Hare Observatory

Old and New AAS 238 BannersThe AAS Board of Trustees has decided that the 238th AAS meeting, to be held jointly with our Laboratory Astrophysics and Solar Physics Divisions, will be virtual like the 236th (June 2020) and 237th (January 2021) meetings. There will be no change to the conference dates: 6-10 June 2021.

AAS 238 was originally scheduled in Anchorage, Alaska. Our June 2012 meeting there was extraordinarily popular, attracting some 1,500 attendees, many of whom vacationed in the 49th state with their families before or after the conference. This remarkable turnout for a summer meeting convinced us that we should return to Anchorage, and 2021 was to be the year. Alas, the slower-than-expected rollout of COVID-19 vaccines and the continuing health risks posed by long flights and crowded in-person gatherings make travel to the Last Frontier inadvisable this summer.

Working with the Dena’ina Civic and Convention Center and the conference hotels, we've arranged to reschedule our June meeting in Anchorage in 2025. That'll be AAS 246.

More information about our virtual AAS 238 will be coming soon on the AAS website and in your in-box.

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