28 May 2020

Chambliss Student Poster Awards for AAS 235

Richard Fienberg

Richard Fienberg Running Hare Observatory

Chambliss MedalThe 235th AAS meeting in Honolulu, Hawai‘i, last January was one of the biggest ever, so it should come as no surprise that we had record participation in the Chambliss Astronomy Achievement Student Awards poster competition: 125 graduate students and 355 undergraduates! Hundreds of volunteer members served as judges, and to them we give our great thanks!

For many students in the competition, this was their first time presenting at an AAS meeting as well as their first time attending one. According to our judges, though, some first-timers' posters were among the best at the meeting! As usual, many judges expressed that being a Chambliss judge and talking with students about their work was rewarding, fun, and gratifying. The experience not only allowed them to interact with students but also to focus on some science they might not have otherwise encountered. And students enjoyed knowing that someone would come and talk to them about their posters!

Here are the results of the AAS 235 Chambliss Astronomy Student Achievement Awards competition:

Graduate Student Medal Winners

  • Santosh Harish (Arizona State University)
  • Rashmeet Kaur Nayyar (Arizona State University)
  • Mansi Padave (Arizona State University)
  • Leonardo Paredes (Georgia State University)
  • Lisa Shepard (University of Missouri, Columbia)

Graduate Student Honorable Mentions

  • Jacqueline Antwi-Danso (Texas A&M University)
  • Derrick Carr (University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill)
  • Gabrielle Engelmann-Suissa (NASA Goddard Space Flight Center)
  • Charles Law (Harvard University)
AAS 235 Chambliss Students
Chambliss Astronomy Achievement Student Award poster competitors Rohan Rahatgaonkar, Abby Mintz, Hector Cruz, and Serena Moseley display their posters in Honolulu. Photos by Phil McCarten © 2020 AAS/CorporateEventImages. More photos at photos.aas.org.

Undergraduate Student Medal Winners

  • Andrew Bowen (Northwestern University)
  • Alicia Eglin (Villanova University)
  • Nicole Marie Ford (Williams College)
  • Hannah Gulick (University of Iowa)
  • Allison McCarthy (University of Alabama)
  • Abby Mintz (Yale University)
  • Elena Litvinova Mitra (Hunter College)
  • Sunny Rhoades (Pomona College)
  • Arjun Savel (University of California, Berkeley)
  • Jordan Shroyer (Truman State University)
  • David Vizgan (Wesleyan University)
  • Iver Sadie Warburton (Smith College)
  • Caden Zaccardi (Florida Atlantic University)

Undergraduate Student Honorable Mentions

  • Jéa Adams (Amherst College)
  • Amanda Ash (University of North Georgia)
  • Jackie Blaum (Iowa State University)
  • Lilly Bralts-Kelly (Macalester College)
  • Adolfo Sjoberg de Carvalho (Rice University)
  • Hector Afonso Garcia Cruz (Princeton University)
  • Isabella Dulá (California Institute of Technology)
  • Sam Gunther (Villanova University)
  • Odelia Hartl (University of Oregon)
  • Dylan Hilligoss (University of Delaware)
  • Mma Ikwut-Ukwa (Harvard University)
  • Zoe Kearney (University of Massachusetts)
  • Emma Louden (Princeton University)
  • Serena Moseley (Carleton College)
  • Suchitra Narayanan (University of California, Berkeley)
  • José Ángel Pérez Chávez (University of Arizona)
  • Rohan R. Rahatgaonkar (University of Toledo)
  • Nicole Rodriguez Cavero (Westminster College)
  • Morgan Saidel (University of New Hampshire)
  • Aldo Sepulveda (University of Texas, San Antonio)
  • Scott Dobbs Mishima Shannon (California State University, Northridge)
  • Darren S. Stroupe (University of North Carolina, Ashville)
  • Eleanor Stuart (Florida Atlantic University)
  • Keduse Worku (Yale University)

Congratulations, all! On behalf of our Society and all of the students who entered the AAS 235 Chambliss competition, we thank our volunteer judges who were so flexible in being assigned, judging posters, and returning scores.

If you haven't signed up to judge student posters in the past or in a while, we encourage you to do so in the future — the more judges we have, the fewer posters each judge is responsible for judging, and the more scheduling flexibility we have. We're all set for the virtual 236th AAS meeting, so your next opportunity will be at the 237th AAS meeting in Phoenix, Arizona, in January 2021. You can indicate your willingness to judge posters when you submit your abstract, when you register for the meeting, or by following the link in future announcements.