16 April 2018

231st AAS Meeting Videos Are Now Online for Members

Richard Fienberg

Richard Fienberg Running Hare Observatory

AAS 231 LogoVideos of the invited talks and prize lectures from the 231st AAS meeting held near Washington, DC, in January 2018 are now online for viewing by AAS members. You must sign in using your AAS username and password to watch them; if you're not already signed in, you'll be asked to do so when you try to access the videos.

View the AAS 231 Videos

The videos are actually slidecasts, i.e., presentation slides accompanied by audio of the lectures. Some plenary talks aren't included for one or more of the following reasons: (1) the speaker didn't give us permission to record and post their presentation, (2) the quality of the recording was substandard, or (3) a technical glitch prevented the successful recording of the audio and/or presentation slides.

Videos of the AAS 231 press conferences are available too. These have been online and publicly accessible since shortly after they were recorded. You can find them on our Archived AAS Press Conference Webcasts page.