11 July 2017

Junior Members: It’s Time to Verify Your Membership Class

Diane Frendak

Diane Frendak American Astronomical Society (AAS)

Each summer, the AAS requests a few minutes of our Junior Members’ time to help us verify their appropriate membership class and confirm contact information before we begin our 2018 membership renewal process. The AAS defines a Junior Member as an individual under 28 years of age who is actively involved in the advancement of astronomy or a related science; or an individual, regardless of age, who is enrolled as a full-time student pursuing a degree in astronomy or a closely related field.

The Society’s membership team sent emails requesting verification to selected Junior Members on 30 June. You probably received the email if you fall into one of these two groups — if so, action is required:

Junior Members who will be 28 years of age or older as of 1 January 2018:
  • Students providing evidence of current full-time enrollment will be eligible for Junior Membership in 2018. Upload evidence of enrollment by completing our Junior Membership Eligibility Verification Form by Thursday, 3 August.
  • Junior Members who are no longer full-time students or have achieved their doctorate (congratulations!) are encouraged to apply for an Associate or Full Membership now (no payment is due at this time).

If we do not hear from you by 3 August, your membership will be automatically changed to Associate status for 2018.

Junior Members with incomplete year of birth or academic degree records:
Verify or update your record (date of birth, degree in progress, expected degree date) by completing our Junior Membership Eligibility Verification Form by Thursday, 3 August. If we do not hear from you by 3 August, your membership will be automatically changed to Associate status for 2018.

We trust that the benefits of AAS membership — including a significant discount on the author charges for one AAS journal article per year and the science content, career services, networking opportunities, and professional development at our meetings — will lead you to renew your membership as either a Junior (if still eligible), Associate, or Full Member when the time comes this fall.

Please email Sherrie Brown or call (202) 328-2010 x101 if you have any questions or comments. Thank you!