241st meeting

Plan Your Trip

Seattle, Washington
241st meeting of the American Astronomical Society
Seattle, Washington
8 – 12 January 2023


The official AAS housing blocks are now full. For other options for lodging in Seattle, visit https://visitseattle.org/lodging/.

Official AAS Hotel addresses:

Sheraton Grand Seattle
1400 6th Ave
Seattle, WA 98101
(206) 621-9000

Westin Seattle
1900 5th Ave
Seattle, WA 98101
(206) 728-1000

Grand Hyatt Seattle
721 Pine Street
Seattle, WA 
(206) 774-1234

AAS 241 Roommate Interest Form

The AAS is providing this form to help participants find potential roommates, but all arrangements must be made by the attendees.

Note that selecting a roommate is a personal choice and should be undertaken with care. You are not obligated to accept any roommate you are uncomfortable with for any reason.