16 August 2021

Willmann-Bell Will Soon Be Back in Business!

Willmann-Bell, AAS, and Sky & Telescope Logos
Willmann-Bell, AAS, and S&T Logos

We are pleased to announce that the American Astronomical Society (AAS) has acquired the inventory, author contracts, and related assets of Willmann-Bell, Inc., the esteemed publisher of astronomical books, atlases, and software since 1973 (see our press release). We expect to make Willmann-Bell titles available for purchase through Sky & Telescope’s online store, ShopAtSky.com, by the end of October.

The addition of Willmann-Bell’s product line comes just two years after the acquisition of Sky & Telescope (S&T). The AAS is now a premier publisher not only of research journals and ebooks but also of a monthly magazine and a wide assortment of star atlases, observing handbooks, celestial globes, and other products serving the astronomical community, including scientists, hobbyists, students, and other enthusiasts.

We will announce both here and on S&T’s website when we’re ready to take orders for Willmann-Bell products. Why can’t we accept such orders now? Because we are relocating Willmann-Bell’s inventory (some 22 tons of it!) and ShopAtSky’s inventory (which includes tons more books, atlases, and back issues of Sky & Telescope) to a new ecommerce fulfillment contractor as well as updating our store website. These changes will greatly improve our ability to provide quality products and timely service to our customers.

Willmann-Bell Titles
Assorted Willmann-Bell Titles

We anticipate keeping most of Willmann-Bell’s existing books available indefinitely, including such high-demand titles as the Uranometria 2000.0 star atlas and the multivolume Night Sky Observer’s Guide. We plan to publish new volumes in the popular Annals of the Deep Sky series; Volume 8 is already printed and bound and will be available for immediate shipment once we begin accepting new orders. And we intend to commission new titles to appear under the AAS/S&T/Willmann-Bell imprint.

The Society salutes Perry and Patricia Remaklus, the founders of Willmann-Bell, on a lifetime of innovative publishing in support of astronomy and the exploration and enjoyment of the night sky. The AAS Board of Trustees has named them Patrons of the Society, a special honor reserved for those who significantly assist the AAS as we pursue our mission to enhance and share humanity’s scientific understanding of the universe.