Public Policy

AAS 233 NSF Town Hall Rescheduled for 15 February Webinar

30 Jan 2019
The NSF Town Hall at AAS 233 in Seattle wasn't held as planned due to the partial government shutdown. The AAS will host a virtual NSF Town Hall from 12:00 pm to 1:00 pm ET on Friday, 15 February 2019. Register at

Students: Want to Learn About Science Policy?

22 January 2019
The AAS seeks applications from upper-level undergraduate and graduate student AAS members for the Catalyzing Advocacy in Science and Engineering Workshop. Deadline: 8 February.

ACTION ALERT: End the Shutdown

22 January 2019
This Action Alert asks you to call your Members of Congress today to end the partial government shutdown and pass bipartisan, bicameral legislation to fund and reopen federal agencies like NASA, NSF, and Smithsonian.