Public Policy

Policy Sessions at AAS 243

12 Dec 2023
The upcoming New Orleans meeting will be jam-packed with interesting sessions covering all aspects of astronomy. In this post, we highlight some of the policy-related sessions that you can look forward to attending...

Legislation on Space Debris and Commercialization

16 Nov 2023
The last few months have seen significant legislative action on space activities. In this blog post we discuss these bills, their impact on our community, and the steps the AAS has been taking to advocate our needs to...

Impact of a Shutdown on Astronomy

19 Sep 2023
With just a few weeks left until the deadline to avert a government shutdown, John N. Bahcall Public Policy Fellow Yaswant Devarakonda discusses how we got here and what we can expect to happen next.

Understanding the FY24 Appropriations Bills

20 Jul 2023
Last week, the Senate and House introduced their funding bills for the Commerce, Justice, and Science agencies, which include NASA and NSF. In this blog post, we analyze what is included in the bills and discuss what...

Where Did the $30 Million For Astronomy Go?

8 May 2023
The National Science Foundation's Astronomy Division seems to be missing the $30 million that Congress directed to support astronomy facilities. The funding must be in NSF budget somewhere, but not where we expected.