30 September 2019

An Opportunity to Collaborate with Argentine Astronomers

Richard Fienberg

Richard Fienberg Running Hare Observatory

Bill Danchi, Senior Astrophysicist at the NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, reports that it has come to his attention through a contact at the US State Department that Argentina has 10% time on two 35-meter deep-space communications antennas operating in the S, X, and Ka bands and that they're looking for international collaborators for scientific and technical work with these dishes. Both are located at about 30 degrees south latitude in Malargüe in the Mendoza province.

Two 35-meter Radio Dishes in Argentina

Danchi received permission from the State Department to circulate their English translation of the Spanish-language call for proposals, which is attached to this post as a PDF. Please free to circulate it to colleagues and/or members of other scientific societies who may have an interest in this collaborative opportunity.

The call begins with this paragraph:

The National Space Agency of Argentina (CONAE) has published the First Opportunity Announcement to present scientific proposals for the use of the CLTC-CONAE-NEUQUÉN and ESA DSA 3 Malargüe deep-space stations. This initiative gives the national scientific community the possibility of utilizing two antennas of 35 meters in diameter and associated equipment for projects in radio astronomy, geophysics, and other applications for the period 2019-2021.

To read the full call for proposals in English, download the PDF attached below under RESOURCES.