26 August 2019

Fund for Astrophysical Research Invites Small Grant Proposals

New York Community Trust LogoThe Fund for Astrophysical Research in The New York Community Trust invites applications for research grants in astronomy and astrophysics. Since 1986, the Fund has awarded annual Theodore Dunham, Jr. Grants for Research in Astronomy.

Grants are awarded for the acquisition of astronomical equipment, computer time, and computer hardware or software for use in research. Preference is generally given to proposals for facilities that are likely to be used by a number of researchers. Cost sharing is encouraged. The Fund does not make grants for equipment intended only for teaching, publication costs, or travel costs to attend meetings. No salaries, administrative costs, or overhead will be funded.

Grants have ranged up to about $3,000 per grant, but in particularly meritorious cases, grants may be as much as $4,000 or $5,000. Grants are only made to nonprofit colleges, universities, and other nonprofit organizations engaged in astronomical research in the United States. Principal investigators must be researchers working at one of these organizations and must reside in the United States. No grants are made to individuals.

Applications for 2019 grants must be received by Monday, 30 September 2019. Notification of awards will be made by Tuesday, 31 December 2019.

Read the Full Call for Proposals

Irfan Hasan, Program Director, The New York Community Trust