8 June 2018

Support Spitzer & Chandra Monitoring of Sgr A* in 2019

Steven Willner Center for Astrophysics | Havard & Smithsonian

Time has again been granted by the Spitzer Space Telescope and the Chandra X-ray Observatory for round-the-clock monitoring of Sgr A*, the variable radiation source at the center of the Milky Way galaxy. The plan is to have two campaigns lasting 24 hours each. Observations will occur between mid-July and early August 2019. (A preliminary schedule should be available in March 2019, and a final schedule perhaps in late May.) Astronomers interested in monitoring Sgr A* in this time frame are encouraged to observe during the same times if possible in order to maximize the value of all data sets.

More information is available on the Spitzer/IRAC and Chandra Observations of Sgr A* web page.