16 March 2018

Volunteers Sought for USA Science & Engineering Festival

Richard Fienberg

Richard Fienberg Running Hare Observatory

The USA Science & Engineering Festival (USASEF) will be held in Washington, DC, 6-8 April 2018 at the Walter E. Washington Convention Center. During the three-day exhibition more than 1,000 organizations involved in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) will present informative exhibits, hands-on activities, and science-themed performances for children of all ages. An estimated 350,000 visitors are expected over the course of the three-day festival.

USASEF Everyday Physics Logo

Several American Institute of Physics (AIP) member societies, including the AAS, are participating together in this year's USASEF. The theme is "Everyday Physics," and each participating society will conduct demonstrations that explore physics in all aspects of our everyday lives. The AAS booth will focus on backyard astrophysics, i.e., explaining things we can see with our own eyes in the night sky.

The AAS and its fellow AIP member-society partners are looking for volunteers in the Washington metro area to help staff our booths and assist in conducting demonstrations. Entrance to the festival is free for participants and volunteers, and volunteers will receive free lunch and a specially branded USASEF T-shirt.

If you're available any of the three days and would like to help share the wonders of physics and astronomy with visitors to the AAS booth or another "Everyday Physics" booth, please fill out the USASEF 2018 Volunteer Recruitment Form. Please sign up for at least one 2-hour slot by Monday, 2 April. You may sign up for multiple slots if you wish. Thank you!

Volunteer for the USA Science & Engineering Festival