27 April 2017

Applications Invited by NASA Frontier Development Lab

Richard Fienberg

Richard Fienberg Running Hare Observatory

This announcement is adapted from the original on the SETI Institute website:

NASA Frontier Development Lab (FDL) announced the addition of new teams to its eight-week applied research accelerator hosted by the SETI Institute. FDL is supported by leaders in artificial intelligence (AI) from the private sector, including IBM, Intel, and Autodesk. The program brings teams of experts in the space sciences together with specialists in machine learning for an intense workshop focused on topics important to NASA — and to the future of humanity.

FDL is looking for doctorate or postdoc space-science researchers or machine learning experts to work on one of this year's challenge areas:

  • Planetary Defense: Near-Earth object 3-D shape modeling or comet detection
  • Space Weather: Coronal mass ejections (CMEs) or solar-terrestrial interactions
  • Space Resources: Lunar water or asteroid prospecting

The format encourages rapid iteration and prototyping to create outputs with meaningful application, papers, and conference posters. All participants are paid, housed at NASA's Ames Research Center in Moffett Field, California, and provided transportation.

The 8-week program is still accepting qualified participants and will run from 26 June to 18 August 2017. Applications will be accepted until the closing date of 19 May 2017. Early application is encouraged.

Learn more about FDL and submit your application