27 October 2016

Call for Letters of Intent for Las Cumbres Observatory

As announced in the latest NOAO Currents electronic newsletter, the National Optical Astronomy Observatory (NOAO) would like to remind you that US community members are invited to participate in the next round of key project proposals to Las Cumbres Observatory (LCO). These are large-scale projects provided with time from the LCO share and aimed at highlighting the capabilities of the LCO network. A call for proposals has been issued by LCO.

LCO Call for Letters of Intent

LCO is planning to dedicate up to 70% of its 0.4-meter, 1-meter, and 2-meter telescope time starting in April 2017 to key projects — "projects that are large, coherent observing programs designed to take maximum advantage of the unique attributes of the LCO network to address important astrophysical problems." For more information and to submit a letter of intent, visit the LCO website. Letters of Intent for key projects must be submitted by 1 November 2016. Proposals for key projects must be submitted by 15 December 2016.