27 July 2016

AAS Nears Halfway Mark to Initiative Endowment Fund Goal!

Diane Frendak

Diane Frendak American Astronomical Society (AAS)

Big thanks go out to the 109 (and counting!) AAS members and friends who have donated during the Society’s Spring / Summer 2016 Fundraising Campaign.

The American Astronomical Society has been enhancing and sharing humanity’s scientific understanding of the universe for 117 years. Our Spring / Summer 2016 Fundraising Campaign invites you to secure the future of our vibrant field of study for the next 117 years and beyond.

The centerpiece of this year’s campaign is establishing the AAS Initiative Endowment Fund. Professor Jeremiah P. Ostriker, our 1972 Helen B. Warner Prize recipient and our 1980 Henry Norris Russell Lecturer, made a generous contribution to get the fund started. We’re nearing the halfway mark to raise at least $20,000 — the threshold set for the fund’s formal approval by the AAS Council — but we need your help to meet our goal. Once established, the AAS Initiative Endowment Fund will provide a steady source of funds on which the Society can rely in perpetuity.

Will you be attending an upcoming AAS meeting? Donate $250 or more to any fund, and you will be invited to the donor reception and donor lounge at the 229th AAS meeting in Grapevine, Texas, January 2017, and the 230th AAS meeting in Austin, Texas, June 2017.

Help secure the future of American astronomy. Give to the AAS Initiative Endowment Fund today!