11 May 2016

HAD Seeks Interviewees for Oral History Project in San Diego

Jarita Holbrook University of Edinburgh

The AAS Oral History Project, in partnership with the AIP Niels Bohr Library Oral History Archive, has implemented the StoryCorps model for collecting interviews at AAS meetings since August 2015. This model has been very successful, leading to 86 interviews being collected during three AAS meetings: AAS-IAU Hawaii, DPS 47 National Harbor, and AAS 227 Kissimmee.

The 86 individuals named below reflect an exceptional pool of interviewees. Included are "40+E" members, undergraduates, and all ages between. They are gender diverse, ethnically diverse —including severely underrepresented populations such as First Nation members — and globally diverse.

We are now scheduling interviews to be conducted at the 228th AAS meeting in San Diego, California, in June 2016. Please sign up now! We are especially interested in talking with members of "astronomy families," such as dual-career couples, single parents, and astronomers with a parent or child who is also an astronomer (we'd like to interview the parent or child, too). We also seek astronomers who work in team collaborations, who work with big data, who design and build instrumentation, and who do research using small telescopes.

For AAS 228 we are offering the opportunity to be interviewed the weekend of 11-12 June, before science sessions begin, to minimize schedule conflicts. View the sign-up sheet and instructions.

Sign Up for an Oral History Interview in San Diego