22 March 2016

North American ALMA Development Studies Call for Proposals

Mark Adams NRAO

NRAO logoA Call for North American ALMA Development Studies was issued 1 March 2016 for proposals to conduct studies of ideas that may be further developed and implemented in a subsequent ALMA Development funding cycle.

The primary aims of this Call for Study Proposals are to:

  • Encourage the flow of development ideas from the North American ALMA operations community into the ALMA Development Program Plan;
  • Support the development of conceptual and detailed designs by the North American ALMA operations community for possible future inclusion in the ALMA Development Program Plan; and
  • Support long-term research and development by the North American operations community that is relevant to ALMA.

Limited funding is available from the National Radio Astronomy Observatory (NRAO) to support North American-based Studies and will be allocated on a competitive basis. Studies partly or fully supported from external sources are also solicited and, if presented, will be considered in the evolving ALMA Development Plan. All members of the North American ALMA Operations partnership, and the North American radio astronomy community at-large, are invited to participate in the ALMA Development Program.

The deadline for proposals in response this Call for Proposals is 2 May 2016.

Additional information on this Call for ALMA Development Study Proposals, and reports from prior calls for proposals, are available on the NRAO webpage.

Presentations given at a coordination meeting held 9 March 2016 at the NRAO headquarters in Charlottesville, Virginia, and an overview of the ALMA Development Plan and Studies, are also available.