6 October 2021

Submit Your Nominations for the 2021 IAU PhD Prize

Susanna Kohler

Susanna Kohler American Astronomical Society (AAS)

This post is adapted from an IAU announcement.

IAUThe International Astronomical Union (IAU) PhD Prize recognizes outstanding scientific achievement in astrophysics around the world. Once a year, each IAU Division has the opportunity to award its own prize to the PhD candidate it feels has carried out and defended the most remarkable work in the previous year. Theses which are in preparation or submitted, but not yet defended by the deadline of 15 December of a given year will have to be submitted the following year.

The recipient of each award receives a range of prizes, tailored by each Division at their own discretion. A standard prize includes airfare and accommodation to attend the next IAU General Assembly where certificates will be awarded. Other prizes might include the opportunity to present their thesis work at Division Days, an invitation to attend presentations to the IAU Executive Committee meeting and dinner at the General Assembly, and the possibility of presenting a talk at either a plenary or special session.

Candidates are required to submit:
  • an abstract of their thesis that is pitched at a level suitable for the public;
  • a 1,500-word thesis summary;
  • three letters of recommendation (including one from the PhD advisor);
  • and a CV.

The IAU PhD Prize is open to candidates from any country, regardless of whether the country has an IAU National Membership. On top of this, a separate prize is available to be awarded to applicants from developing countries (defined as those not in the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development).

The PhD Prize application deadline is 15 December. The application form is available on the IAU website, as is the list of 2020 prize winners. For more information, visit the IAU PhD Prize page.