7 April 2023

Share Your Eclipse Resources at AAS 242

Richard Fienberg

Richard Fienberg Running Hare Observatory

Eclipse PostersThe AAS Solar Eclipse Task Force has organized a splinter meeting, “The Great North American Solar Eclipses Share-a-Thon,” at AAS 242 in Albuquerque. It offers an opportunity to learn what education, outreach, and citizen-science projects other astronomers and institutions are doing in anticipation of the 14 October 2023 and 8 April 2024 solar eclipses and to share information about your own activities with your peers. Even if you plan to travel into the path of annularity or totality on eclipse day, you may want to do some eclipse outreach in your institution or community outside the path during the months preceding the events.

Join us from 12:30 to 2:00 pm on Wednesday, 7 June 2023, in room 215 at the Albuquerque Convention Center. Tables will be set out for an exchange of handouts or brochures, and presenters will discuss some of the key national and regional projects now under way. Among them:

  • The AAS solar eclipse website and workshop series
  • NASA’s plans for education, outreach, and citizen science
  • The Astronomical Society of the Pacific’s Eclipse Ambassadors program
  • Projects for bulk distribution of eclipse glasses and safe-viewing information, including those focused on public libraries around the country
  • Tips for setting up your own local eclipse outreach events
  • Activities and resources for formal and informal educators

We Invite Your Participation!

If you’d like to share information about your education, outreach, or citizen-science project through a handout or other giveaway, bring 100 copies with you to the meeting or, to save paper, put a QR code on a small poster to link to your website. If you would like to give a brief (5-minute) talk at the session, please send an email at your earliest convenience to [email protected] with the subject “Eclipse Splinter” and tell us what you’d like to present.

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