9 August 2022

AAS WorldWide Telescope Brings JWST Images to Millions

Peter Williams Center for Astrophysics | Harvard & Smithsonian

The AAS's WorldWide Telescope (WWT) visualization software is a great tool for sharing astronomical imagery in a fun, engaging way. So the WWT team was ready for action when the first images from the JWST telescope were released on 11 and 12 July. Within a few hours, they had released a special web app for exploring the new data.

Designed for sharing on social media, it was a smashing success! This and other apps received more than 500,000 hits, and powered social media posts that got millions of views, such as this tweet from Alyssa Goodman (Harvard):

Tweet capture

Thanks to all of this exposure, the WWT Twitter account increased its follower count by 50%, the WWT newsletter saw nearly 100 new subscriptions, and the app was even featured in Newsweek.

If you've got exciting imagery to share with the world, consider reaching out to the WWT team at [email protected]! They're eager to work with you to create social-friendly interactives that will help promote your work in exciting new ways.