1 June 2022

New AAS Task Force on Green Astronomy

Arika Egan JHU/APL

The AAS has formed a new task force from within its membership: the AAS Task Force on Green Astronomy. The task force is charged with identifying pathways that reduce the carbon footprint associated with AAS activities as called for by the Strategic Plan for 2021–2026. Solutions identified by the Task Force are to align with the following:

  1. The goals of the Paris Agreement, specifically to reduce the AAS carbon emissions by 50% over the next decade
  2. The AAS’s goal of building equitable, diverse, and inclusive practices, a report on which will be presented to the AAS board by January 2023

In order to achieve the above, the Green Astronomy Task Force is looking for a few things from AAS membership. First, members of all career stages, backgrounds, and places of employment (e.g., soft money, industry, academia, education, etc.) have a place within our conversations. A broad range of voices and experiences will help us synergize the needs of the community with the Task Force recommendations. Second, the committee will distribute a survey to AAS members requesting membership demographics, opinions on the efficacy of various conference activities in an in-person versus virtual and/or hybrid format, and community suggestions for enhancing the benefit of AAS activities while addressing them in the context of the climate crisis. This survey will help the Task Force develop recommendations for the AAS board.
Several members of the Task Force will be present at AAS 240. Please find and talk to us, bring us your questions, and learn about our activities and opportunities for involvement! The following Task Force members will be attending virtually or in person:

  • Arika Egan, in person (University of Colorado)
  • George Jacoby, in person (NOIRLab)
  • Dara Norman, in person (NOIRLab) 

For more information about the Task Force please contact Travis Rector.