27 May 2022

Paid National Science Foundation-Funded Study of Faculty Research Evaluation

As a tenured/tenure-track faculty member at a US college or university, we invite you to participate in a National Science Foundation-funded online survey about how your research is evaluated by other faculty in your department. Your participation will help us identify areas to improve faculty evaluation practices at colleges and universities across the US. 

The survey will take approximately 20–25 minutes to complete, and you will receive a $20 Amazon gift card for your participation.   

If you are willing to participate:

  • Complete a brief 1–2 minute screening survey to determine if you are eligible to participate.
  • In 1–2 weeks, you will receive a link to the full survey. 
  • The survey will be available through 15 June for completion.  

Screening Survey Link

We hope you will participate as your input is unique and cannot be replaced.

If you have any questions or would like more information about the study, please contact our study coordinator, Dr. Petal Grower.

Thank you,

Dr. NiCole T. Buchanan, Professor in the Department of Psychology, Michigan State University
NSF Award #2000021 

Dr. Isis H. Settles, Professor in the Departments of Psychology and Afroamerican and African Studies; Associate Director, ADVANCE Program, University of Michigan
NSF Award #2000580 

Dr. Martinque Jones, Assistant Professor in the Department of Psychology, University of North Texas
NSF Award #2000076

Visit the project website.