8 March 2022

Attend the 4th Annual Astronomers Turned Data Scientists Meeting

Jeffrey Silverman Mozilla

Elizabeth Barton Infiniscape

With the cancelation of the 239th AAS meeting in January, we have decided to hold the 4th Annual Astronomers Turned Data Scientists (ATDS) Meeting virtually via Zoom, for free, on Wednesday, 30 March, from 8:00 am to 3:00 pm PT. The meeting is sponsored by Infiniscape with support from the AAS Committee on Employment.

ATDS is aimed at former astronomers who are currently working with big data in industry and current astronomers who use data science tools and techniques in their research, as well as those who are interested in data-related careers. At the meeting we will have a handful of technical talks from data scientists (and other data-adjacent folks) working in the industry, as well as some career-related presentations and open panel discussions.

Meeting details:
Wednesday, 30 March, via Zoom (Meeting ID: 933 5438 4880 Passcode: ATDS2022)
All talks will be 25 minutes total (including Q&A), with 5-minute buffers between each.

Talks and speakers:

  • Ben Nelson: Evaluating the Impact of Open-source Bioimage Analysis Software
  • Brendan Wells: Project Management for Academics
  • Christopher Bochenek: Job Searching as a Strategy Game
  • Deep Chatterjee: Multi-Messenger Astronomy — A Data Science Problem
  • Eva Noyola: The Value of Data Analysis (Not Everything Is About ML)
  • Genevieve Graves: State-of-the-Art Natural Language Processing: Teaching Artificial Intelligences to Talk, Think, and Even Crack Jokes
  • Jessica Kirkpatrick: Search and Taxonomy: Surfacing Results When No Two Items are the Same
  • John Franklin Crenshaw: Deep Generative Modeling of Astronomical Data with Normalizing Flows
  • Taka Tanaka: Novel Data Challenges in Residential Real Estate

Click here for more information about the speakers and their talks, including the full abstracts.

Networking and recruiting among current and prospective data scientists is strongly encouraged. Breakout rooms for smaller group discussions will be available.

For more information, please email the ATDS organizers.