9 February 2022

WWT 2022 Is Almost Here: 15 February

Peter Williams Center for Astrophysics | Harvard & Smithsonian

AAS WorldWide Telescope

Save the date! On 15 February, the AAS will officially launch the latest AAS WorldWide Telescope (WWT) software suite — WWT 2022. The launch will take place at 1:00 pm ET with a video introduction to WWT2022 and live chat on YouTube. Watch the trailer and sign up for a reminder here.

This edition of the many software packages that comprise WWT includes an all-new JupyterLab app designed for astronomy science platforms, new support for displaying HiPS imagery, new abilities to interactively explore gigapixel FITS files and billion-row source catalogs, revamped documentation, an expanded builtin collection of beautiful astronomy images, sophisticated new scripting interfaces in Python and JavaScript, an updated Windows application ... and much more that even doesn't fit here.

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