23 February 2022

Register for the 53rd Annual DDA Meeting

Daniel Tamayo Harvey Mudd College

DDA 53 Logo

Registration and abstract submission are now open for the 53rd Annual Meeting of the Division on Dynamical Astronomy to be held 25-28 April at the Flatiron Institute in New York City.

We expect to be able to hold the event in person as planned, but given ongoing health and visa challenges, we will also be streaming all talks out via Zoom, and accepting requests to give presentations remotely (live over Zoom, to be limited to ~20% of all talks). In addition to our regular Duncombe Student Research Prizes, we are also implementing new supplemental travel grants to broaden access to the meeting for individuals who would otherwise not be able to attend. Finally, we are instituting a low-cost ($10) Virtual Observer option to watch the talks and participate in the Slack discussion without giving a presentation.

Important Dates:

As a reminder, Flatiron Institute policy requires all in-person attendees to show proof of vaccination on-site to enter the building. The full policy can be found on the meeting website.

Prices for travel and accommodation will continue to rise as we approach the meeting dates. Even if you are unsure of your travel plans, you might consider booking accommodation now and cancel later if necessary. More details and lodging options can be found on the meeting website.

We are looking forward to a great meeting!