13 October 2021

AAS Members Elected as 2021 APS Fellows

Susanna Kohler

Susanna Kohler American Astronomical Society (AAS)

APS physics fellows program logo

(Updated 18 October with additional names)

Several AAS members are among the 2021 class of American Physical Society (APS) Fellows, nominated by the APS's Division of Astrophysics (DAP), Division of Gravitational Physics (DGRAV), Division of Nuclear Physics (DNP), and Forum on Physics and Society (FPS).

The APS Fellowship Program was created to recognize members who may have made advances in physics through original research and publication, or made significant innovative contributions in the application of physics to science and technology. They may also have made significant contributions to the teaching of physics or service and participation in the activities of APS.

APS Fellowship is restricted to just 0.5% of the APS membership in a given year.

Here are the names and citations for the AAS members who have been newly named APS Fellows:

Christopher L. Martin
The Kavli Foundation
Citation: For a broad range of contributions to science, including supporting South Pole winter overs, service as a AAAS Legislative Fellow in the US Congress, initiating influential futures meetings in astrophysics and neuroscience, nurturing Kavli Institutes, and advocating for equitable global science.
Nominated by: FPS

Maura McLaughlin
West Virginia University
Citation: For outstanding contributions to radio astronomy, particularly techniques of pulsar timing, for leadership of the NANOGrav collaboration to detect long-wavelength gravitational waves via sustained pulsar timing observations, and for remarkable efforts in physics education and public outreach.
Nominated by: DAP

Casey Papovich
Texas A&M University
Citation: For innovation and leadership in the physics of galaxy formation and evolution, and for critical contributions in methods to understand the stellar content and formation histories of distant galaxies using ultraviolet, optical, and infrared measurements.
Nominated by: DAP

Joel R. Parriott
American Astronomical Society
Citation: For sustained, influential public policy work supporting, mentoring, and generating community-based input to scientific decision-making at the national level.
Nominated by: FPS

Peter W. A. Roming
Southwest Research Institute
Citation: For fundamental contributions in UV observations of gamma-ray bursts and core collapse supernovae, and leadership of the first rapid follow-up instrument of UV transients: the UV/Optical Telescope on Swift.
Nominated by: DAP

Alice Shapley
University of California, Los Angeles
Citation: For outstanding contributions to the study of key processes in galaxy formation and evolution based on the rest-ultraviolet and rest-optical spectra of distant galaxies observed during the epoch of peak star formation in the Universe.
Nominated by: DAP

Steinn SigurĂ°sson
The Pennsylvania State University
Citation: For contributions to theoretical astrophysics, including work on compact object binaries and the dynamical evolution dense stellar system, gravitational radiation sources, and aspects of extrasolar planets.
Nominated by: DAP

Artemisia Spyrou
Michigan State University
Citation: For studies using total absorption spectroscopy and the beta-Oslo technique to determine neutron-capture rates for astrophysical modeling, and for dedication to communicating science to the general public.
Nominated by: DNP

Tommaso Treu
University of California, Los Angeles
Citation: For leading contributions to a precise determination of the expansion rate of the universe and the understanding of dark matter based on observations of gravitationally-lensed systems, and to the studies of cosmic reionization and the co-evolution of galaxies and supermassive black holes.
Nominated by: DAP

Madeline Wade
Kenyon College
Citation: For important contributions to and leadership of the low-latency calibration of LIGO data that played a vital role in the discovery of gravitational waves, of the electromagnetic follow-up of gravitational wave transients, and to multimessenger astronomy with GW170817.
Nominated by: DGRAV

Gillian Wilson
University of California Riverside
Citation: For pioneering techniques and significant contributions to clusters of galaxies, massive galaxies and cosmology, as well as for sustained leadership in research administration, broadening participation and outreach.
Nominated by: DAP

Congratulations, all!

Note: If you're not on this list and should be, please send us an email so we can add your name and citation here.

You can view the full list of 2021 APS Fellows on the APS Fellow Archive web page