26 August 2021

Slooh Launches New Grant to Help One Million Students Explore Space

Slooh Space Exploration Grant

Slooh, the only organization offering live online telescope feeds of amazing astronomical events to students, is launching the Slooh Space Exploration Grant for the 2021-2022 school year. The goal of the grant is to help one million students nationwide experience the wonder of space from their classroom and home computers.

The rolling grant will provide one teacher per every accredited public school in the United States with access to the Slooh interface, robust professional development, and 40 student seats which will enable students to use robotic telescopes to view space phenomena, capture observational data, and engage in gamified learning.  

To apply for the Slooh Space Exploration Grant, teachers must complete a short application, including a brief response about how Slooh will support space exploration for students at their school. One teacher from every accredited public school in the United States will be eligible to receive the grant, which provides access to the Slooh interface and resources valued at $750.

Applications for the first round of judging are due by 18 October 2021. Additional application rounds will be available throughout the school year.

With Slooh, students can view phenomena such as lunar changes, solar flares, asteroids, living and dying stars, and a variety of nebulae in real-time using Slooh's patented Mission Interface and user-controlled network of robotic telescopes in the Canary Islands and Chile. And, educators are supported by Slooh’s astronomy team and receive robust professional development and product training to ensure that all students have access to celestial phenomena.

To learn more about Slooh and to apply for the Slooh Exploration Grant, visit Slooh.org.