3 May 2021

May 2021 Issue of Physics Today Now Available

Hua Liu

Hua Liu American Astronomical Society (AAS)

Physics Today, the flagship publication of the American Institute of Physics (AIP), is the most influential and closely followed physics magazine in the world. With authoritative features, full news coverage and analysis, and fresh perspectives on technological advances and groundbreaking research, Physics Today informs readers about science and its role in society. Members of the AAS, an AIP Member Society, automatically receive free print and online subscriptions to the magazine. Physics Today Online, the magazine’s internet home, presents an enhanced digital edition and provides a valuable online archive.

Physics Today May 2021In the May 2021 Issue

Ernest Rutherford’s Ambitions
One of the pioneers of radioactivity research, Rutherford feared his work would be overlooked — and changed his publishing strategies to make sure it wasn’t. — Melinda Baldwin

How Two Planets Likely Acquired Their Backward Orbits
It’s challenging enough to figure out what exoplanetary systems look like today. Reconstructing their histories is more difficult still. — Johanna L. Miller

Fears of a Lithium Supply Crunch May Be Overblown
Unexploited lithium deposits lie throughout the world, but investment in new mines is lagging. — David Kramer

One Frog Species Finds a Solution to the Cocktail Party Problem
A mechanism in the lungs of tree frogs helps filter incoming noise and other amphibian sounds from the calls of their own species. — Alex Lopatka

Hackathons Catch on for Creativity, Education, And Networking
Physics and astronomy communities take a page from data-science and tech worlds to hold events of feverish teamwork. — Toni Feder

Why Are Theorists Excited about Exotic Nuclei?
The limits of nuclear stability provide deep insights into the fundamental force responsible for the presence of matter. — Filomena Nunes

See the Complete Table of Contents

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