7 April 2021

Join DAIS (Disabled for Accessibility In Space)

Jamie Molaro Planetary Science Institute

DAIS (Disabled for Accessibility In Space)

DAIS (Disabled for Accessibility In Space) is a platform to lift up disabled voices in planetary and space science fields through networking, community support, and advocacy. We are inclusive of all people that are associated with and/or working in space-related fields with any type of disability of chronic illness.

Some people may be unsure whether they identify as disabled. If you have an illness or physical/cognitive condition that creates personal obstacles and impacts your ability to function at work or at home, and/or if you have a condition that limits your access to certain aspects of society without accommodations, then you belong here regardless of how you describe it.

We are using a platform called Mighty Networks, which works similar to a Facebook group but with no ads or selling data. It’s simple to use in a browser or on mobile.

Request an invitation and spread the word! Please contact Jamie Molaro with any questions.