2 March 2021

Career Webinar: I Heart Failure — Discover and Recover from Professional and Team Loss

Diane Frendak

Diane Frendak American Astronomical Society (AAS)

I heart failure

Everyone fails multiple times in their lives. Perhaps you didn’t get that job or get named to a choice project, or the project you did lead just did not achieve its expected goals. Maybe your team didn’t rally the way you envisioned and became dysfunctional. Whatever the situation, there are ways to manage and achieve success from failure, as long as you plan ahead for setbacks. And even if you experience challenges in a way you did not anticipate, there are still other ways to turn things around.

In this webinar, Alaina G. Levine will discuss why failure can be absolutely fabulous in our career paths and organizations and how to create mechanisms so that we can spot, address, learn from, and move on from these setbacks. We don’t have to welcome failure with open arms, but we can certainly learn to appreciate the gift that failure gives us by understanding the lesson to make us stronger and more agile, creative, communicative, and ultimately more victorious in our careers, teams, and organizations. Our conversation is especially relevant now, as we continue to be affected by the pandemic and the havoc it has created.

Join us Wednesday, 10 March, at 2:00 pm ET. This webinar is free to AAS members, but space is limited and registration is required.

Register for the Webinar

Alaina G. Levine

Alaina G. Levine is an award-winning entrepreneur, STEM career consultant, science journalist, professional speaker, and corporate comedian. Her book, Networking for Nerds (Wiley, 2015), beat out Einstein (really!) for the honor of being named one of the Top 5 Books of 2015 by Physics Today. As President of Quantum Success Solutions, she is a prolific speaker and writer on career development and professional advancement for scientists and engineers. She has delivered over 700 speeches for clients in the US, EU, Mexico, Canada, Africa, and Asia, and has written over 400 articles in publications such as Nature, Science, Scientific American, National Geographic News Watch, and Smithsonian. She has served as a career columnist for Physics Today and currently writes “Your Unicorn Career”, a careers column for Science/ScienceCareers. Levine authored two online courses for Oxford University Press on career development and entrepreneurship, and is a consultant, speaker, and writer for the Lindau Nobel Laureate Meetings. She holds bachelor’s degrees in mathematics and anthropology with a certificate in Middle Eastern Studies from the University of Arizona. She is a regular speaker for the AAS.

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