3 February 2021

Please Take the AAVSO Survey of AAS Members

Stella Kafka American Meteorological Society

AAVSO LogoThe American Association of Variable Star Observers (AAVSO) is an international nonprofit organization that has been conducting citizen science in astronomy for more than 110 years. Our members include professional as well as amateur astronomers. We are best known for our long-term record of variable star photometry and the skilled observers who are contributing to it, but we also have growing spectroscopic and exoplanet transit databases and other resources related to stellar variability.

We are surveying AAS members to find out whether you are aware of AAVSO resources and have used them, how the AAVSO can better serve your research and teaching needs, and how the AAVSO could be more useful to you and other astronomers.

We hope you will take the time to respond to our questions via the SurveyMonkey website. The information you provide will guide our future services. As an extra incentive, we will hold a raffle for those who complete the survey by Friday, 19 February 2021. Two respondents will be selected to receive $25 Amazon gift cards. Information about how to enter appears at the end of the survey.

Take the AAVSO Survey of AAS Members

Many thanks for taking the time to respond. We look forward to working with you!

Best wishes and clear skies!

Stella Kafka
Chief Executive Officer, AAVSO