1 February 2021

February 2021 Issue of Physics Today Now Available

Hua Liu

Hua Liu American Astronomical Society (AAS)

Physics Today, the flagship publication of the American Institute of Physics (AIP), is the most influential and closely followed physics magazine in the world. With authoritative features, full news coverage and analysis, and fresh perspectives on technological advances and groundbreaking research, Physics Today informs readers about science and its role in society. Members of the AAS, an AIP Member Society, automatically receive free print and online subscriptions to the magazine. Physics Today Online, the magazine’s internet home, presents an enhanced digital edition and provides a valuable online archive.

Physics Today February 2021In the February 2021 Issue

Magnetic Fields for Modulating the Nervous System
Although targeted actuation of neurons via magnetic fields may benefit neuroscience research and medicine, some approaches have sparked controversy. — Michael Christiansen and Polina Anikeeva

California Dreamin’
Defense projects made the West Coast the promised land for US physicists after World War II — until the projects dried up. — Stuart Leslie

Borexino Experiment Detects Neutrinos from the Sun’s Carbon-Nitrogen-Oxygen Cycle
The cycle’s catalytic reactions account for just 1% of the Sun’s energy, but they are the dominant energy producers in heavier stars. — R. Mark Wilson

US Government Acts to Reduce Dependence on China for Rare-Earth Magnets
Although the US has sufficient raw materials, the domestic supply chain to alloy and manufacture rare-earth permanent magnets is almost nonexistent. — David Kramer

Guiding Inventions from Lab to Market
A career in technology transfer requires skills in multitasking, communicating, and negotiating; one reward is seeing scientific advances benefit society. — Toni Feder

Whiskey Webs: Fingerprints of Evaporated Bourbon
When a water-diluted droplet of American whiskey evaporates, it can leave behind a self-assembled web pattern not found in Scotch or brandy. — Stuart Williams

See the Complete Table of Contents

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