22 December 2020

Join NASA Astrophysics at AAS 237

Peter Kurczynski NASA Goddard Space Flight Center

NASA Cosmic Origins program

NASA Physics of the Cosmos Program

Get involved with NASA at the upcoming 237th AAS meeting in January! NASA Astrophysics will run splinter sessions through AAS 237 for Physics of the Cosmos and Cosmic Origins programs. They are open to meeting registrants. Throughout the AAS meeting, the NASA online exhibit booth will feature virtual presentations and opportunities to interact live with scientists and NASA staff.

For detailed information, please see dedicated event pages: 

In addition, the Exoplanet Exploration ExoPAG meeting will take place just before the AAS meeting, on 5-6 January 2021 (outside the AAS meeting program). It is not necessary to register for AAS 237 to attend the ExoPAG meeting. A special joint meeting will be held on 8 January and is also open to everyone (not necessary to register for the AAS winter meeting).