7 December 2020

Highlights from AAS Nova: 22 November - 5 December 2020

Susanna Kohler

Susanna Kohler American Astronomical Society (AAS)

AAS Nova provides brief highlights of recently published articles from the AAS journals, i.e., The Astronomical Journal (AJ), The Astrophysical Journal (ApJ), ApJ Letters, ApJ Supplements, The Planetary Science Journal, and Research Notes of the AAS. The website's intent is to gain broader exposure for AAS authors and to provide astronomy researchers and enthusiasts with summaries of recent, interesting research across a wide range of astronomical fields.

Image of the Sun rising behind the Earth's horizon with the text "Discover what's new in the universe", the AAS Nova logo, and "aasnova.org" superposed.


The following are the AAS Nova highlights from the past two weeks; follow the links to read more, or visit the AAS Nova webpage for more posts.

4 December 2020
Letting Lithium Live It Up
Some stars appear to accumulate lithium on their surfaces as they age. What could be causing this enrichment?

2 December 2020
Solar Wind Takes Up Mercury’s Mantle
Mercury is the smallest planet but has the largest core relative to its size. Astrobites reports on whether the solar wind is to blame.

1 December 2020
Do We Have the Abell-ity to Find a Recoiling Black Hole in A2261-BCG?
What powers the core of the bright galaxy A2261-BCG? Astrobites reports on whether it’s a recoiling black hole.

30 November 2020
A Companion for Regulus
A new study may have revealed a previously undetected partner in a nearby stellar dance.

25 November 2020
The Eventual Fate of Our Solar System
Do you ever wonder how our solar system’s going to end? You’re not the only one — and a team of scientists has now explored this question in detail.

24 November 2020
Red Dead Evolution
Most galaxies don’t change on noticeable timescales — but Astrobites reports on some galaxies that completely transform themselves in just the first two billion years of the universe.

23 November 2020
Featured Image: To Heat a White Dwarf
Simulations explore whether clusters of neon might be to blame for mysteriously warm white dwarfs.

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