20 October 2020

You're Invited to the IDA's 2020 Global Conference

Ruskin Hartley
International Dark-Sky Association

IDA Under One Sky Banner
The theme of the IDA's 2020 annual conference is "Under One Sky." It will emphasize stories and voices often underrepresented in the dark-sky community.

Each year the International Dark-Sky Association brings together its members worldwide for our annual conference. This year, we are excited to take this important event directly to our international audience by hosting a virtual conference and allowing our global network to safely and conveniently connect from home.

This year’s conference will focus on having a global conversation about the environmental and cultural threat that light pollution poses to people who are inadequately represented in the effort to protect the night. Hear stories from the voices in diverse communities that are often underrepresented in the dark-sky community.

Schedule: Sessions will happen across 24 hours in three different global time zones beginning with a global opening on Friday, 13 November, at 1:00 pm PST (4:00 pm EST, 21:00 GMT. Annette LeeThe conference will then move to three regional breakout sessions on Saturday, 14 November, each two hours long. Then, conference attendees will come back together for a global closing session at 1:00 pm PST (4:00 pm EST, 21:00 GMT).

Keynote: Annette Lee is an astrophysicist, artist, and director of the Native Skywatchers research and programming initiative. She will present a keynote session entitled “Wicaŋhpi Oyate (Star People) Under One Sky.” The presentation will focus indigenous astronomy worldviews, particularly Ojibwe and D(L)akota, and how people from all cultures might look to this relationship with the sky as a reminder of the critical importance of the night and its star-filled sky.

Who should attend: Everyone who cares about the night sky and how it impacts climate change, ecology, human wellbeing, and vibrant communities.

Pricing: Free, but advance registration is required. There is a suggested donation in the following amounts: $25, $100, or $250.