26 October 2020

Highlights from AAS Nova: 11-24 October 2020

Susanna Kohler

Susanna Kohler American Astronomical Society (AAS)

AAS Nova provides brief highlights of recently published articles from the AAS journals, i.e., The Astronomical Journal (AJ), The Astrophysical Journal (ApJ), ApJ Letters, ApJ Supplements, The Planetary Science Journal, and Research Notes of the AAS. The website's intent is to gain broader exposure for AAS authors and to provide astronomy researchers and enthusiasts with summaries of recent, interesting research across a wide range of astronomical fields.

Image of the Sun rising behind the Earth's horizon with the text "Discover what's new in the universe", the AAS Nova logo, and "aasnova.org" superposed.


The following are the AAS Nova highlights from the past two weeks; follow the links to read more, or visit the AAS Nova webpage for more posts.

23 October 2020
A Cosmic Dance from Einstein@Home
What’s your computer doing when you’re not using it? It could be discovering hidden, record-breaking pulsars.

21 October 2020
The White Dwarf Opportunity with JWST
Can life survive the death of its star? In the quest to find out, planets orbiting white dwarfs present a unique observational opportunity.

20 October 2020
X Marks the Region
Astrobites reports on how statistics can guide the search for previously undetected planets.

19 October 2020
A Deep Look at Distant Galaxies with ALMA
We’ve seen what the powerful ALMA observatory can do within our own galaxy — but what can it tell us about distant galaxies across our universe?

16 October 2020
Casting Doubt on a Nearby Black Hole
Scientists recently announced the discovery of the nearest black hole to Earth — but there may be a different explanation for this stellar puzzle.

14 October 2020
How Planets Can Save or Destroy Their Siblings
When a star like our Sun evolves into a red giant, what happens to its planets? A new study explores this apocalyptic future.

13 October 2020
The Starry, Dusty Origin of a Distant Galaxy Cluster
Astrobites sheds some light on the inner workings of an ultra-red, massive cluster core spotted at high redshift.

12 October 2020
Featured Image: Exploring Active Regions on the Sun
How can we tell how much energy is leaking out of active regions on the Sun?

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