2 October 2020

Gruber Foundation to Support Third Early Career IAU Fellowship

Richard Fienberg

Richard Fienberg Running Hare Observatory

This announcement is adapted from an International Astronomical Union press release:

Additional funding from the Gruber Foundation is making it possible to support a third outstanding early career astrophysicist with a Gruber Fellowship. Established in 2011, the Gruber Fellowship is awarded annually by the International Astronomical Union (IAU), supported by The Gruber Foundation (TGF), to assist promising young researchers in astrophysics. Until now, TGF has provided $50,000 each year, and in 2020 the selection committee chose to share this amount equally between two researchers: Gabriela Calistro Rivera (European Southern Observatory) and Anupam Bhardwajand (Kavli Institute for Astronomy and Astrophysics). Now TGF has increased the yearly funding for the Gruber Fellowship; the additional $25,000 will be used this year to support Ioannis Liodakis (University of Turku).

2020 IAU Gruber Fellows
Left to right: 2020 IAU Gruber Fellows Gabriela Calistro Rivera, Anupam Bhardwajand, and Ioannis Liodakis. [IAU / The Gruber Foundation]

The financial support is intended to cover travel, subsistence, and research expenses supplementing a postdoctoral appointment, thus boosting the early careers of exceptional astronomers and promoting a thriving research community. The host institute must be a centre of excellence in the fellow’s field of research and be located in a different country from that in which the fellow’s PhD was awarded.

In the future, the selection committee will decide whether to award the amount of $75,000 to a single researcher, or to share it between two or three candidates. The next Gruber Fellowship(s) in astronomy will be awarded in 2021.