15 October 2020

Apply to Write for Astrobites

The Astrobites Collaboration


astrobites logo supported by AAS


Are you enthusiastic about science communication? Interested in developing your writing skills? Excited about joining a collaboration of over 100 astronomy grad students from around the world? Come join Astrobites!

Astrobites, the graduate-student run blog that provides summaries of recent astronomy research, is currently hiring new volunteer authors. Applicants must be current graduate students, and new authors will join in January and will be expected to write a <1,000 word Astrobite post roughly once a month.

The deadline for applications is 20 November 2020. You can find the application form here.

Please check out our official application page for application guidelines and FAQs, or email us at [email protected] if you have any questions.


Collage of images of astrobites authors, arranged in the shape of a planet with a bite taken out of the top right corner.


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