16 October 2020

Apply for the 2020 Robert L. Brown Outstanding Doctoral Dissertation Award

Kenneth Kellermann NRAO

Robert L. Brown

The Robert L. Brown Outstanding Doctoral Dissertation Award is administered by Associated Universities, Inc. (AUI) and the National Radio Astronomy Observatory (NRAO) on behalf of Bob Brown’s friends and family to honor Bob’s life and career. The award is given each year to a recent recipient of a doctoral degree from any recognized degree-granting institution in the United States and is substantially based on new observational data obtained at any AUI facility and considered to be of an exceptionally high scientific standard.


The award is available to degree recipients of any nationality and consists of $1,000, a framed certificate, and an invitation to give a colloquium at the NRAO.

Application Guidelines

To be eligible, the applicant must have successfully defended the thesis during the calendar year of the award. The deadline for receipt of applications and supporting materials for the 2020 award is 31 December 2020.

Applicants should send an email describing their dissertation, the date of their successful thesis defense, the date of the degree award, and the name and contact information of the primary thesis supervisor to [email protected]. A copy of the thesis as a PDF file should be sent by email to the same address or made available via a link given in the email. Published papers or papers in press, or portions thereof, based substantially on the dissertation should accompany the application. Verification of the successful thesis defense and a statement that the applicant has successfully completed all university requirements for the PhD should be sent directly by the appropriate university authority to [email protected].


The winning applicant will be selected by a committee appointed by the NRAO director. If, in the opinion of the committee, in any given year none of the theses are sufficiently meritorious, the award will not be given in that year.

All questions should be addressed to [email protected].