5 August 2020

AAS Student Members: Time to Check In

Diane Frendak

Diane Frendak American Astronomical Society (AAS)

Poster sessions at AAS 235

Each summer, in advance of the new year’s membership renewal campaign (which starts next month!), the AAS membership team reaches out to student members who may have graduated in the last 12 months and those who have incomplete records in our database. Our first email was out on 10 July, but if you didn't get that message and if you graduated or changed addresses recently, please read on!

Specifically, we ask for your help to confirm your Undergraduate or Graduate Student Member status by:

  • reviewing your highest degree earned
  • reviewing the degree that you're working toward
  • updating your expected graduation year, if necessary

If any of these data points have changed recently, please complete this form to update your information. If you moved in the last 12 months, you can use the form to update your address too. 
Have an advanced degree in hand? If you have earned your master's or doctorate in the astronomical sciences or a related field and can either secure another current Full Member's endorsement or share information about your peer-reviewed publication in an international journal, then please consider AAS Full membership. Full Members lead the Society and its committees; support students when serving as Chambliss judges, award and prize nominators, and mentors; and are deeply committed to the astronomical sciences community. Complete the Full Member Eligibility Form if you're ready for Full Member status.

Please email YaShica Robinson if you have questions or comments. The deadline for updates has been extended to Monday, 10 August.