16 July 2020

NSB Welcomes Nominations for 2021 Honorary Awards

This post is adapted from a National Science Board press release:

NSB welcomes nominations for 2021 honorary awards

Each year, the National Science Board (NSB) pays tribute to remarkable contributions and public service in science and engineering through its two honorary awards — the Vannevar Bush and NSB Public Service awards.

The NSB is now accepting nominations for its 2021 honorary awards through 30 September 2020.

Named after the gifted engineer and dynamic public servant who was behind the creation of the National Science Foundation, NSB's Vannevar Bush Award honors truly exceptional lifelong leaders in science and technology who have made substantial contributions to the welfare of the nation through public service in science, technology, and public policy.

Vannevar Bush Award criteria and nomination instructions are available on the Vannevar Bush Award web page. Past recipients of the Vannevar Bush Award are listed here.

The NSB Public Service Award honors individuals and groups that have made substantial contributions to increasing public understanding of science and engineering in the United States. These contributions may be in a wide variety of areas that have the potential of contributing to public understanding of and appreciation for science and engineering, including media, education, training programs, and entertainment.

NSB Public Service Award criteria and nomination instructions are available on the NSB Public Service Award web page. Past recipients of the NSB Public Service Award are listed here.

Leaders in the higher education, scientific society and association, congressional, federal, and private industry communities celebrate the accomplishments of NSB awardees during an awards ceremony held each spring in Washington, DC.