26 June 2020

AAS Prize Nomination Deadline Extended Until Tuesday, 14 July 2020

Alice Monet

Alice Monet US Naval Obs. (retired); AAS Secretary

Due to delays related to the ongoing coronavirus pandemic, the deadline to submit nominations for AAS prizes, awards, and honors for 2021 — either for a colleague or for yourself — has been extended until Tuesday, 14 July 2020, at 11:59 pm Eastern Daylight Time.

This year we’ve introduced an entirely new nomination system. Here’s the scoop:

Nominations and self-nominations for AAS Fellows and all Society awards and prizes with a 30 June deadline must be submitted online using our new portal on the OpenWater Awards website. With OpenWater we have an integrated system that makes submitting nominations easier for you, receiving nominations easier for us, and evaluating nominations easier for our prize committees. We link to OpenWater from the Prize Nominations page on the AAS website. We’ve moved most of the details about our honors, prizes, and awards — including eligibility requirements, lists of nominating materials, and a description of the nominating process — to OpenWater.

Clicking the link to OpenWater will take you to a login page. If you’re a member, log in using your usual AAS credentials. If you’re not a member, you’ll be asked to register on the OpenWater site, after which you can log in. Once logged in, you’ll be able to navigate to the main AAS Prize Nominations page and to the pages for each honor, prize, or award.

AAS 235 Prize Presentations
Left to right: Jo Bovy receives his Warner prize from AAS President Megan Donahue, Ted Bergin receives his Heineman prize from AIP Chief Executive Officer Michael Moloney, and Ann Boesgaard receives her Russell prize from Donahue. AAS photos by Todd Buchanan and Phil McCarten © 2020 CorporateEventImages.

To make this process go as easily and smoothly as possible, please collect all the required documents and information before you log in to the OpenWater Awards site to submit a nomination. Be sure to confirm in advance that everyone you list as writing a letter of support is in fact willing to do so. They will be asked to verify that they’ll send a letter and will be given a link where they can upload it.

This new nomination process is being rolled out this year for the first time, so it’s new for everyone. The forms have been set up with care and have been thoroughly tested, but there may still be a few glitches. A contact/help link is provided, and we welcome your feedback.

The success of our Society’s prize program depends on members taking the time to submit nominations. All members are encouraged to nominate worthy colleagues or themselves for recognition by the AAS. It is not only the monetary prize but also the honor and distinction that can mean so much for an astronomer's career. A prize also adds luster to the recipient's department and/or institution in the eyes of the academic and scientific communities.

The AAS specifically encourages nominations of, and self-nominations from, astronomers who are members of marginalized groups, including people of color, people with disabilities, and sexual and gender minorities.

Visit the AAS Grants-and-Prizes Portal on OpenWater

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