27 May 2020

Publish Your AAS 236 Contribution in RNAAS

Chris Lintott University of Oxford

Research Notes of the AAS

The Society’s venue for short works, Research Notes of the AAS (RNAAS), is accepting submissions for a focus issue covering work presented and discussed at the virtual AAS 236 meeting.

By publishing your AAS 236 presentation as a research note, you give it a permanent, citable home within the literature and make it available for all those unable to join us during the meeting. Research notes are short (up to 1350 words, plus a 150-word abstract, with a single figure or table), moderated by AAS editors, and searchable on ADS. Research notes cover a remarkable diversity of topics, and do not preclude later inclusion of results in more substantial, refereed work. 

Contributions are welcome from all those presenting, and we hope that RNAAS will provide a permanent record of this most unusual meeting. We particularly hope that students presenting at the meeting will take advantage of RNAAS’ flexible format to publish their work.

To submit a research note, go to https://journals.aas.org/research-notes/. Please mention in your submission that it is for inclusion in the AAS 236 focus issue. For any questions, drop by the AAS Publishing virtual booth or email RNAAS editor Chris Lintott.

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