21 May 2020

Exclusive: A Discussion with arXiv Executive Director at AAS 236

Julie Steffen American Astronomical Society (AAS)

arXiv logoarXiv is a free distribution service and an open-access archive for scholarly articles in the fields of physics, mathematics, computer science, quantitative biology, quantitative finance, statistics, electrical engineering and systems science, and economics. The popular astro-ph preprint service is a part of the arXiv.  

Dr. Eleonora Presani, the new arXiv Executive Director, will present an overview of the current state of arXiv, and future plans for arXiv strategy to continue and expand its service to the community. Find out about new approaches to knowledge discovery and research networks, and possible opportunities to make better use of the arXiv research dataset. Dr. Presani will also discuss a pilot program to improve moderation of arXiv submissions and recruiting of moderators, with opportunities for researchers to become involved in arXiv moderation and development of arXiv moderation and user tools.

When: Tuesday, 2 June, 9:00 am ET

Where: AAS 236 Maria Mitchell Webinar Room