28 April 2020

ASP Cancels 2020 Awards and Gala

Linda Shore Astronomical Society of the Pacific

This post is based on an Astronomical Society of the Pacific (ASP) press release:

ASP LogoCelebrating the accomplishments of the astronomical community is an important part of the ASP's mission and something we have been proud to do since 1898.

We wanted to let you know about a very tough decision we have been forced to make given COVID-19 and the current state of the nation. As the pandemic deepens and broadens, we have decided not to give out ASP Awards in 2020 and not to hold our annual Gala in celebration. This decision was made in consultation with the ASP staff and the Board Executive Committee. 

A number of factors influenced this decision, including the many unknowns about travel and quarantine for the rest of the year, the increased burden placed on staff who are working from home and caring for children, our desire to give our recipients the honors and celebratory event they fully deserve, and to acknowledge and be respectful of the somber days we are in and those to come. 

All the nominations made this year will remain in the pool for the 2021 ASP Awards. We have reached out to our nominators and let them know that we are treating 2020 as if it never happened, so their nominees will not lose a year of eligibility because this year’s awards were canceled. 

We wish you and your family good health. Keep looking up!