18 October 2019

Apply Now for IAU Membership in 2020

Megan Donahue

Megan Donahue Michigan State Univ.

Debra Elmegreen President, IAU

IAU LogoOn behalf of Teresa Lago, General Secretary of the International Astronomical Union (IAU), we'd like to draw AAS members' attention to the recent opening of the call for IAU membership applications for 2020.

We would like to encourage applications of Individual and Junior membership to the Union, and we ask for your help in spreading the word to colleagues and students who may be interested.

Interested candidates should contact the National Member in the country of work to apply. In cases where the country of work is not a National Member, the individual should contact the President of one of the IAU Divisions.

The application deadline is 15 December 2019. For more details, including other key dates and application criteria, see the following announcements:

We also invite you to read our earlier article "The IAU Now Accepts Members Annually."