18 June 2019

Register for the Symposium in Honor of Vera Rubin

Symposium in Honor of Vera Rubin

We are pleased to invite you to a Symposium on dark matter and cosmology that is being held at Georgetown University in honor of Vera Rubin: 24-26 June 2019. The full agenda and registration can be found on the conference website.

The Symposium starts on Monday morning with some interesting retrospective talks about Vera and her science followed by talks about new results. The day concludes with an address by France Córdova, the NSF Director, and a reception.

Scientific talks continue on Tuesday covering topics such as cosmological probes of dark matter and the future of cosmology. On Tuesday evening, there is a public lecture at 6:30 pm at Carnegie’s Headquarters by Neta Bahcall, "The Dark Side of the Universe", and you can register for that with the symposium or just for the public lecture at the Carnegie website.

On Wednesday, the symposium honors Vera's impact on women in science. There will be a lecture, "Exploring Vera Rubin Ridge, Mars with the Curiosity Rover" by Dr. Abigail Fraeman, Deputy Project Scientist, Mars Exploration Rover Mission, as well as panels and sessions on women in science.

Registration is open until 20 June.

We hope you will join us in celebrating Vera Rubin’s legacy and the study of dark matter. The symposium is jointly sponsored with Georgetown University, Stockholm University, via the Oskar Klein Centre for Cosmoparticle Physics, with additional support from the National Science Foundation and the Heising-Simons Foundation.

Katie Freese, SOC Chair, University of Michigan
Marc Kamionkowski, Johns Hopkins University
Ed Van Keuren, Georgetown University
Jessica Rosenberg, George Mason University
Jeffrey Urbach, Georgetown University
Alycia Weinberger, Carnegie Institution of Washington