26 March 2019

Highlights from AAS Nova: 10-23 March 2019

Susanna Kohler

Susanna Kohler American Astronomical Society (AAS)

AAS Nova provides brief highlights of recently published articles from the AAS journals, i.e., The Astronomical Journal (AJ) and The Astrophysical Journal (ApJ), ApJ Letters, and ApJ Supplements. The website's intent is to gain broader exposure for AAS authors and to provide astronomy researchers and enthusiasts with summaries of recent, interesting research across a wide range of astronomical fields.

AAS Nova Banner

The following are the AAS Nova highlights from the past two weeks; follow the links to read more, or visit the AAS Nova webpage for more posts.

22 March 2019
Flares, Waves, Jets, and Ejections
Our Sun often exhibits a roiling surface full of activity. But how do the different types of eruptions and disturbances we see relate to one another?

20 March 2019
Looking for Life? Try Around K Dwarfs
A new study suggests that planets around K-dwarf stars may be the best targets in the search for signs of life.

19 March 2019
Tiny Stars in a Tiny Orbit: A New Ultracompact Binary
Astrobites reports on the NICER discovery of an accreting millisecond pulsar in a record-setting, rapid orbit with a white dwarf.

18 March 2019
Missing Halos in the High-Energy Sky
A recent study explores a high-energy mystery from the supermassive black holes that dot our universal landscape.

15 March 2019
Giant Stars in Our Black Hole’s Neighborhood
Have the old, giant stars at the center of our galaxy gone missing, or have we just missed them?

13 March 2019
Reading the Epic of Reionization
Astrobites reports on how dim galaxies lensed by foreground clusters provide a way of measuring the reionization of our universe.

12 March 2019
Simulating an Extreme TNO on the Road to Planet Nine
Astrobites reports on how the search for Planet Nine has revealed another unusual object in our solar system.

11 March 2019
Featured Image: A Birthplace for Massive Stars
This infrared, false-color image reveals W51A, a giant ionized bubble in which very young, massive stars are just beginning to form.