27 March 2018

Register for the First ADS Hack Day

Kelly Lockhart Astrophysics Data System

The Astrophysics Data System (ADS) team is excited to announce our first ever ADS Hack Day, to be held Tuesday, 22 May 2018, at the Center for Astrophysics in Cambridge, MA.
Modeled on the popular hack days held at the AAS meetings, a hack day is designed to allow small groups to work intensively and collaboratively on a project. The idea is to go from project idea to completion, all in one day. 
The ADS Hack Day is targeting ADS-related projects. We expect many projects will use the ADS API, but we also welcome projects involving data ingest, documentation, usability, or user engagement. Most importantly, participants do not need previous hack day or even programming experience. Lunch, coffee, and access to our developers and curators will be provided. For more information and some project ideas to get you started, check out our Google Doc.

If interested in participating, please register by 15 April.