31 January 2018

Guerilla Science Art-Sci Festival Residency

Crystal Tinch American Astronomical Society (AAS)

Guerilla ScienceMusic, cabaret, theater, and art are pervasive at music festivals — so why not science? The Pratt Institute and Guerilla Science are hosting a residency for artist-scientist collaborations to bring transformational experiences to major art and music festivals. Guerilla Science is seeking applicants to develop new forms of site-specific interactive installations and live events that mix science with art, music, and play.

The residency will take place over 8 weeks beginning in April and culminate at the Lightning in a Bottle festival in California in late May. Scientist-artist teams will create a host of new events and installations to spark imagination and curiosity. A stipend of $4,500, two tickets to the festival, and a travel subsidy will be provided, along with access to the project’s network of mentors and partners.

Applications are being accepted until 20 February 2018. For information on how to apply, grab the PDF linked below under RESOURCES.